PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari (APL) has entered into a new partnership agreement with Eli Lilly and Company (Lilly) to sell and promote Lilly brands, in addition to distributing its products in Indonesia. To support this partnership, APL has put together a dedicated team of experienced commercial specialists under its Commercial Solutions division.

“We believe that with our strong market expertise and presence in Indonesia, APL will be able to provide patients with improved access to Lilly’s innovative therapies, advancing healthcare delivery in the community,” said Chris Eberle, President Director APL.

Vineet Gupta, GM for Lilly Indonesia is equally excited about the new partnership. “The increasing demand for healthcare services and products due to the rapid expansion of BPJS Kesehatan will require Lilly to reach out to more healthcare facilities and serve more healthcare professionals across Indonesia. Partnering with APL will enhance Lilly’s capability to serve more patients through our quality products.”

Under this partnership, APL will be looking to launch Lilly’s new portfolio in the areas of diabetes, oncology and immunology in the future, while they continue to deliver the best solutions from Lilly to patients suffering from diabetes, cancer, autoimmune diseases, mental disorders and men’s health today.

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