As part of their commitment to increase healthcare access in Indonesia, PT Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari (APL) officially introduced its new state-of-the-art National Distribution Centre (NDC), located in West Java, Indonesia, on 3 February 2020.

Spanning 39,930sqm and with a storage capacity of up to 19,000 pallets, this is the largest NDC in the country. The increased capacity helps APL ensure access to quality healthcare products in Indonesia.


The facility has three different temperature-controlled environments to protect the integrity of products. The Centre is also Good Distribution Practices (GDP) certified and complies with FM global standards, which minimises risks of disruption.

The high-technology NDC facilitates the transfer of technological know-how to local employees and uses digital tools, such as blockchain technology to fight counterfeit products. This not only makes efficient distribution possible and maintains the integrity of products for the population. It also supports the country’s Industry 4.0 initiative.

“APL has been supporting the healthcare industry in Indonesia since 1985, covering 504 cities in 34 provinces. We hope to continue making healthcare more accessible by leveraging technology to ensure the integrity and safety of healthcare products that we deliver,” said Christophe Piganiol, President Director APL.

The NDC was inaugurated by representatives from the Ministry of Health and Food & Drug Authority, alongside members from APL’s Board of Commissioners and APL & Zuellig Pharma management teams.

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